Monday, December 15, 2008

PhD Position in Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

website link:

PhD studentship
Glaciology, Geomorphodynamics and Geochronology
Department of Geography
University of Zurich, Switzerland

We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project CRYOSUB: Mountain
Cryosphere Subgrid Parameterization and Computation, starting 1 March
or 1 April 2009.
The expected outcome of this project is a method that allows for
continental- scale modeling of permafrost, snow and glacier mass
balance in mountain areas under present and simulated future climate.
This is important because the mountain cryosphere influences a large
proportion of the global land mass and population, experiences high
rates of climate change and is currently inadequately resolved in
regional climate models due to the dominating influence of sub-grid
variability. This project will provide a proof of concept for the
inclusion of topography sub-grid schemes into climate models as well
as applications of mountain cryosphere models over large mountain ranges.
Applicants are required to have successfully completed a Masters level
degree in a relevant area, e.g., Climatology, Meteorology, Computer
Science, Mathematics, Physics, Computational Geography or Earth
Sciences. Programming skills (low level such as C/FORTRAN and high
level such as Matlab/IDL) and experience with GIS are important
assets. You have a very good standard of written and spoken English
and will be working in a heterogeneous and multi-disciplinary
environment. Mountaineering skills are welcome. You will receive the
standard PhD salary according to the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Curriculum Vitae, transcripts and contact details (including e-mail
addresses and phone numbers) for two references should be sent with
your letter of application to:

Dr. Stephan Gruber
Department of Geography
University of Zurich-Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich, Switzerland

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