Monday, December 15, 2008

6 PhD Positions in Geology at Lulea TU, Sweden

The Division of Applied Geology is looking for 6 new PhD-students.

Research and education at the Division of Applied Geology is mainly
focused on Environmental Geochemistry. Basic research is combined
with applied projects. The philosophy is that being in the front of
basic research gives a favourable development of methods and skills
useful and necessary in applied research. The applied research aims
at studying and quantifying pollution effects from different
anthropogenic sources, and possible methods to decrease the release
of pollutants and to limit their deleterious effects.

1. Remediation of sulphide-bearing mine waste by using sewage

By studies on all scales from laboratory tests, pilot scale studies
and full scale field trials, various types of use of sewage sludge
for remediation of sulphide-bearing mine waste will be develope. The
efficiency on different time scales will be quantified as well as
improvements achieved by mixing of the sewage sludge with other
materials. The research is performed in close collaboration with the
active mining industry.

Contact persons: Lena Alakangas, tel +46 920 491396, and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3081-08

2. The use of alternativ materials for remediation of sulphide-
bearing mine waste

During remediation of mining waste, the most important goal is to
decrease the inflow of oxygen to the sulphide minerals. This is
usually obtained by applying a sealing layer with so low hydraulic
conductivity that it always has a high degree of water saturation.
Till with a high clay content is commonly used in Sweden. In this
project the use of alternative materials, such as waste from other
industries and activities will be studied. The research is performed
in close collaboration with the active mining industry.

Contact persons: Lena Alakangas, tel +46 920 491396, and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3082-08

3. Effects of hydropower production on river-near

Hydropower production results in changed water levels in regulated
rivers. Short-term water level changes result in changed eco-systems
close to the rivers, and changed groundwater levels and properties.
The aim of this project is to study the effects of hydropower
production on the geochemistry of river-near groundwater.

Contact persons: Angela Lundberg, tel +46 920 491207,
angela.lundberg@ and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3083-08

4. The use of Cu-isotopes to quantify the role of microbes in
geochemical key reactions such as preciptation and dissolution of

During the latest years it has become possible to detect and analyse
the small changes in isotopic composition which chemical and
biological processes cause also for stable metals such as Cu. The
research team at Applied geology in Luleå is leading in Sweden in
development of such analyses, and in the development of applications
of them. The aim of this project is to develop methods for analyses
of Cu-isotopes in different materials, and to use such analyses to
quantify the role of microbes in geochemical key reactions such as
dissolution and precipitation of minerals in oxidizing mine waste.
Also isotopic changes during uptake in plants will be studied.

Contact person: Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3084-08

5. Optimization of surveys of polluted areas

About 1 billion SEK is spent annually in Sweden for surveying and
remediation of polluted areas. The guidances for how to perform
sampling, anlyses and interpretations of, for example, polluted
soils, are vague and insufficient. The aim of this project is to
improve surveying of polluted areas, by geostatistical studies av
finished and ongoing objects.

Contact person: Christian Maurice, +46 70 6090195

Dnr 3085-08

6. Remediation of sulphidic mine tailings using green liquor dregs;
solving two waste problems at the same time

Mining results in large amounts of waste, waste rock and mill
tailings. If this waste contains sulphide minerals, oxidation may
result in the formation of acid mine drainage. The aim of this
project is to study if green liquor dredge, an alkaline rest product
from the paper industry, can be used as water and oxygen barrier in
sealing layers in remediation of mine waste. The green liquor dredge
may also buffer acidity produced by the oxidizing sulphides.
Potentially, two waste problems could be solved at the same time

Contact persons: Christian Maurice, + 46 70 6090195 and Björn
Öhlander, +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3175-08


Application with merits marked with Ref No should be sent to the
Registry Secretary,Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå,
Sweden or by email to

Last date for all applications is: 2009-01-01

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