Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships, UK

Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS)
Session 2009/10, University of Leeds, UK

The University of Leeds is pleased to offer at least twelve(12) Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS), which are available for high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study from Session 2009/10 for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds UK.

Deadline : 31 January 2009

Eligibility Criteria - Applicants must:
be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
have an offer of an academic place for PhD research study at the University of Leeds;
be commencing PhD research study for the first time in Session 2009/10;
not already hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification;
not hold another Scholarship;
Successful candidates are likely to hold qualifications and experience that are equivalent to a UK First Class Honours Degree.


At least 12 fully-funded scholarships are available. The Scholarships may be held for up to three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress. The Scholarships will provide full international fees together with a maintenance grant of £13,290 for Session 2009/10.

Application Process

Application forms, regulations and guidance notes for completion of applications are available from the web address: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rds/postgraduate_scholarships/irs-info.doc

Application forms are also available from the Postgraduate Scholarships Office or by email request ( scholarships@leeds.ac.uk ).

Completed application forms should be returned to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office by 31 January 2009.

Further Information

University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 113 3434007
Email: scholarships@leeds.ac.uk

For details and how to apply, please visit

Best Regards,

PhD Position - Corporate Semantic Web - Free University Berlin, Germany

We are looking for a doctoral candidate in Computer Science with a focus on Corporate Semantic Web.

The Corporate Semantic Web Group (AG CSW) at the Free University Berlin (http://www.fu- berlin.de/), one of the Elite Universities
in Germany, is looking for an excellent PhD candidate to work as a researcher in the BMBF funded project Corporate Semantic
Web (http://www.corporat e-semantic- web.de).

Corporate Semantic Web (CSW) aims to establish economically beneficial adoption of Semantic Web technologies in corporate environments.
The objective of CSW is to integrate all the required pieces of knowledge and technologies, including modern Web-technologies and enterprise service technologies, corporate information systems, semantic business process management, Corporate Semantic Web, ontology engineering, semantic search and collaborative applications.

The successful candidate will join an internationally renowned research group working on a cutting edge research problem in an
attractive and stimulating environment within one of Germans top universities and computer science departments; she/he will be expected
to contribute to all aspects of the group's activities, including publishing at and attending international conferences and workshops.

The candidate should have:

* a Master's degree in Mathematics, Computer Science or Information Systems
* a strong background/interest in Semantic Web (rules, ontologies) and its applications
* a background/interest in other Knowledge Representation paradigms such as logic programming
* a background/interest in Semantic Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Complex Event Processing
* a willingness to travel to project meetings and to work on project deliverables
* a willingness to work in an international team
* good proficiency in English

The post is available immediately and is a fixed term appointment for three years until January 2011. As an employee of the university you
will receive a competitive salary (BAT IIa). The research in this project must be concluded with the attainment of a PhD degree in
Computer Sciences.

We encourage interested candidates to send their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, a list of publications, and digital versions of
three of their most relevant work, as well as electronic copies of the certificates of all academic qualifications held, to

Prof.Dr.Adrian Paschke

quoting the reference *Pos CSW*.

The review of applications will start immediately until the position is filled.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 20th January 2009.

Kind regards,

Adrian Paschke

Monday, December 22, 2008

PhD Scholarships -- Economics and Finance

PhD Scholarships - University of Verona (Italy)

Call for Admissions: PhD Program in Economics and Finance

The Department of Economics at the University of Verona (Italy) is pleased to announce the availability of at least three PhD Research Scholarships for 3 years starting in January 2009.

The Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance is designed to train doctoral candidates in a broad program of advanced study for careers in teaching and research in universities, in public and private research organizations, in financial and consulting institutions and private companies. The department recruits promising students from Italy and abroad and courses are taught in English. Students are accepted directly for Ph.D. degree. As prerequisite, students must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in Italy or the equivalent level of education from an institution outside Italy.

The internationalizatio n program, financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and the University of Verona, has lead in the recent years to exchange agreements with the universities of Essex,York, Wisconsin, Cergy-Pontoise, Cyprus, Oviedo, Campinas and Colombia.

The official calls for admissions can be found on this website
http://www.univr.it/main?ent=catdoc&id=2093&idDest=2&sServ=68& serv=65&ssServ=127?=en

The first Call is for two scholarships. One is a general university scholarship. Another scholarship is linked the realization of an internationally co-tutored project in collaboration with the University of Cergy-Pontoise or Paris X and involves a compulsory period of study and research (up to 18 months) at one of these institutions. The amount granted for these scholarships is € 13,638 per year and this is exempt from personal income tax. They will be granted for the entire duration of the PhD course and will be increased by 50% during authorized study periods abroad.

The second Call is for a scholarship (co-funded by Regione Veneto – FSE) reserved for the realization of the a research project on “The Economic Analysis of Juvenile Crime and Policy Implications” . In this case the scholarship amounts to € 19,000 gross per year.

Candidates may apply for all of these scholarships. Applications must be sent on the forms provided and in the way indicated on the official call by January 9, 2009. Candidates are also encouraged to send all this documentation by email to admissions @ dse.univr.it by the same date. However, please note that applications must also be sent by post as indicated in the call. Interviews will take place on January 21, 2009(in person or in video-conference) .

For further information on our PhD programme please visit the following


Sunday, December 21, 2008

PhD Studentships in Statistics - University of Cambridge

PhD studentships in Statistics

Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

Limit of tenure: 3 years

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Studentships are associated with the Cambridge Statistics Initiative which is targeted at the development of novel statistical methodology, both generic and in specific application areas. Information about the Laboratory can be found at
www.statslab.cam.ac.uk .

The studentships will provide funding to cover fees at the home/EU rate.Additional funding for fees for those paying the overseas arts rate could be available and will be assessed competitively. A stipend will be paid of at least the equivalent to the national minimum (13290 for the academic year 2009/10) for a minimum period of 3 years.

Supervision, along with research training tailored to the needs of the student, will be provided by the Laboratory. Research interests of academic staff can be found at www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/Dept/People.

Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD course at the University of Cambridge. They should normally hold (or expect to be awarded) a first class UK honours degree or equivalent and a postgraduate qualification in Mathematics or Statistics.

Initial enquiries, which should include a curriculum vitae and an indication of possible research topics, should be directed to Professor A.P. Dawid, email: apd@statslab.cam.ac.uk.

Quote Reference: LF04227.

Closing Date: 31 January 2009.

International prize studentships for PhD research - Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance

University of St Andrews

PhD Studentships - Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance

The studentship available at any Scottish university too International prize studentships for PhD research 2009

The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (link: http://www.sicsa.ac.uk ) is a collaboration of leading Scottish Universities whose aim is to work together to consolidate and develop Scotland's position as an international research leader in computer science and informatics. As part of this, the Scottish Graduate Academy in Informatics and Computer Science offers 20 international prize studentships per year to outstanding PhD candidates.

SICSA prize studentships are worth around £18, 000 per year for 3 years. They include support for living expenses of at least £12, 940, research expenses and a contribution towards postgraduate fees at the UK standard Home/EU rate (currently £3315). Students who are not UK/EU residents must pay the higher overseas student fee of around £11,500 per year. If you are awarded a SICSA studentship, you may apply to the admitting university for additional support to cover the difference in fees. The award of a SICSA studentship does not guarantee such support.

These studentships are open to excellent students from any country. There are no residency or citizenship requirements. We will consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas:

* Next-generation Internet
* Multi-modal interaction
* Modelling and abstraction
* Complex systems engineering

Students must have or must expect to be awarded a 1st class honours degree or an MSc with Distinction or equivalent GPA scores. Your degree must be in a discipline that is relevant to your proposed field of research.

For more details of how to apply for a SICSA prize studentship, see the SICSA web pages (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/graduate-academy/prize-studentships/applying-for-a-sicsa-prize-studentship).

Applicants for international prize studentships must complete a SICSA studentship application as well as a postgraduate application to your preferred university.

Applications must be received by 8th February 2009. We will tell you as soon as possible after this date if you have been awarded a studentship. Our aim is to make all offers by mid-March 2009.

PhD Studentship in Scalable Pico-Hydro Power - University of Bristol

Electrical Energy Management Group, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

A fully-funded 3½ year PhD studentship is available in the Electrical Energy Management Group at the University of Bristol for research involving modular and scalable pico-hydro generation (1kW) for grid-tied DC mini-grids. This project provides a unique opportunity to combine state-of-the- art electrical engineering research, development work in remote areas overseas with a well-known charity, and sponsorship by a company that is world leading in design and manufacturing. The work will include power electronics, mechanical design, and a mix of other theoretical and practical work. The PhD candidate will be expected to have an electrical engineering background, and demonstrate a strong interest in mechanical design and development work.

Salary: Up to £18,000pa tax free.

The fully funded PhD studentship is available to any nationality, however if you are not a UK Home student (or EU student who has spent the past three years in the UK), the salary would need to be reduced to cover overseas university fees. When you apply, please indicate whether you are eligible for UK Home funding, or if you have other sources of funds.

The studentship is available now and the closing date for applications is 31 January 2009. Please either email a cover letter stating your interests and a full CV (including grades) to Dr Bernard Stark (bernard.stark@ bristol.ac. uk) or email to arrange an informal discussion. http://www.bris.ac.uk/eeng/research/em/

PhD Scholarships in Culture Studies - Giessen University

Giessen University's International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), funded by the German federal government's Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year structured PhD-programme in the study of culture. With its excellent research environment, a doctoral programme which is tailored to the needs of PhD students and the intensive personal support it provides, the Graduate Centre offers postgraduate students optimum conditions for their PhD-projects and a custom-made preparation for the time thereafter, both with regard to academic and non-academic careers.
From 01st October 2009, the GCSC offers

up to 9 PhD scholarships.

PhD scholarships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1000 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. Scholarships commence on October 1st, 2009.

Acceptance of a scholarship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in at least one GCSC graduate research group. Scholarship holders must register as PhD students at Justus Liebig University. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester. Scholarship holders are expected to take up residency in or near Giessen.

The GCSC encourages applications from graduate students who have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A.-degree (or equivalent) in one of the GCSC's academic subjects* or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences. Fluency in either English or German is required.

The main selection criteria are the candidates' academic qualification, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC's research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview; telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.

The closing date for applications is 1st March, 2009. All applications (including an application form and further documents as stated on the GCSC website) have to be submitted online. Please find further information on the two-stage application procedure on our website at http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de/application.

If you have any questions concerning your application, please contact us at gcsc-application@ uni-giessen. de. On 2nd February 2009, the GCSC will host an Information Day at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus-Liebig- University Gießen, Alter Steinbacher Weg 38, 35394 Gießen. The Information Day gives potential applicants the opportunity to meet the staff and students involved in the doctoral programme. You will also have the chance to obtain more information on the research areas and academic objectives of the GCSC, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, and conferences, the research support on offer, our international networks and partner institutions, as well as on publishing and funding opportunities available to GCSC-members.

*) see www.uni-giessen.de/gcsc or http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de/research

M.S./Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems at UC Irvine

The faculty of the Information Systems Group (ISG) at UC Irvine is looking for a handful of excellent prospective students who are seeking an exciting, active place to study and do research on databases and information systems starting in the Fall of 2009. Several large projects are underway and several new ones are just beginning and will provide excellent opportunities for incoming students to "get in on the ground floor" of interesting new research initiatives.

ISG is a part of the CS Department within the Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at UC Irvine, an environment that offers a number of unique advantages and opportunities. Being one of just a handful of such schools across the country, ICS offers a broad, stimulating intellectual environment for graduate studies. ICS is comprised of three departments - Computer Science, Informatics, and Statistics - covering all traditional computer science areas as well as related areas such as software engineering, human-computer interaction and usability, collaboration technologies, and statistical machine learning and data mining and analysis.

UC Irvine itself, in the words of our current chancellor, "combines the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location." Thus, in addition to a stimulating research and educational environment, graduate study in ISG at UC Irvine offers attractive off-hours opportunities. Our location in Orange County
(http://www.visitora ngecounty.net) offers easy access to a wide variety of outdoor and indoor entertainment and sporting activities.

More information about graduate study in CS at UC Irvine can be found on the UCI CS graduate studies page (http://www.ics. uci.edu/computer science/grad).
The application period is open now and applications will be accepted through January 15, 2009. More specifics about ISG, its faculty, and its projects can be found on our new ISG web site (http://isg.ics.uci.edu). Check us out!

PhD Fellowships at the Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering (IME) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) invites applicants for 8 PhD research fellowships.

The 8 research fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, to help recruit talented candidates for the PhD study programs administered by IME.

The Faculty is keen to attract the best candidates available and puts few restrictions on training background and fields of research. Applicants must however contact a relevant research group at IME and name a prospective thesis advisor prior to submitting their application.

Further information about the announcement and instructions for
application: http://www.idi.ntnu.no/about/description_jobs.php?id=152

Possible thesis advisors within the database area:

Applications should be submitted to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway, or by e-mail to
application@ ime.ntnu. no. Applications should be marked IME-056-2008.

Closing date: February 16th 2009.

BIOINFORMATICS POSTDOC The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam



Pathway-based tumour characterisation by alignment against
panels along multiple molecular dimensions.


Astra Zeneca Oncology has constructed large cell panels to serve as in
vitro models for drug response. These cell panels have been extensively
characterized by mutation analysis, mRNA expression, aCGH, response to a wide
variety of drugs, micro-RNA expression and phosphoprotein characterization. In
parallel, the same measurements are being performed on a collection of
colorectal samples. In this project two aims are pursued. First, a comparative
analysis will be performed between the cell line data and the tumor data to
determine the multi-dimensional molecular states spanned by the cell lines and
whether these states faithfully recapitulate the space spanned by a
representative and clinically relevant selection of tumor samples. Guided by
this mapping and by following a pathway-based approach, integrative modeling
will be applied on the cell line panel data to construct models predictive of

Job description:

The successful candidate will be responsible for the bioinformatics
analysis of the cell line and tissue data. More specifically, these tasks
include 1) constructing a comprehensive gene list of the PI3K and ERK network;
2) Molecular characterisation of the colorectal cell panel and tumour samples
through integrative analysis of the various data sources within the space
spanned by the identified network genes and 3) Pathway-based alignment of cell
panel to tumours to determine the extent to which the cell panel recapitulates
the heterogeneity in the tissue set.


The position is embedded within the Bioinformatics and statistics group lead by Dr Lodewyk Wessels (http://bioinformatics.nki.nl) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam and the Oncology Informatics group, Discovery Medicine, Astra Zeneca, Alderley Park, UK lead by Dr Tim French. We plan to have regular meetings, and the postdoc will also spend time at both locations.


Candidates should fulfill the following criteria.
- MSc or PhD in one of the following areas: bioinformatics, engineering, computer science, statistics, physics, biotechnology, or biology.
- Knowledge of fundamental aspects of cancer biology, especially signalling pathways.
- Knowledge of fundamental aspects of computer science
(algorithms and data structures, programming languages).
- Knowledge or experience of informatics.
- Knowledge of statistics, artificial intelligence or bioinformatics is highly desirable.

Conditions of Employment:

The successful candidate will be employed by the Netherlands Cancer
Institute. The employment conditions follow general employment rules as laid
down in the 'CAO' for hospitals. The salary will be determined depending on
education and experience.

Contact and Applications:

Dr. Lodewyk Wessels, tel. +31 20 512 7987 or e-mail: l.wessels@nki. nl or Dr Tim French Discovery Medicine, Cancer Bioscience, tel. +44 1625-519922 or e-mail: Tim.French@AstraZen eca.com. Applicants should send a CV, list of publications and the names and addresses of at least two persons that can be approached to obtain further information.



Closing date:

30 January 2009

L.F.A.Wessels, Ph.D
Bioinformatics and Statistics
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 5127987
Fax: +31 (0)20 6691383
Mobile: +31
L.F.A.Wessels, Ph.D
Bioinformatics and Statistics
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 5127987
Fax: +31 (0)20 6691383
Mobile: +31

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS)

The New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) scheme offers the
opportunity to people from selected developing countries to undertake
development- related studies in New Zealand.
This may include study related to education, health, rural
livelihoods, governance, human rights, or economic development,
depending on the human resource development training needs of the home

New Zealand -Development Scholarships are offered for full-time,
tertiary level study at participating New Zealand education
The NZDS scheme has two categories:
1-New Zealand Development Scholarships – Public category (NZDS-Public)
The NZDS-Public scholarships scheme is a bilateral scheme available to
individuals from selected partner countries in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific. The selection criteria is determined by the partner
government and NZAID.

Shortlisted applications, mostly from public sector employees, are
endorsed for a scholarship by the partner government. Employees from
civil society or private sector organisations may apply for the NZDS-
Public in some countries depending on country-specific selection
criteria. The levels and fields of study available for study in New
Zealand are determined according to the partner country's human
resource development training needs.
Country eligibility download: Cambodia (pdf 6K), Indonesia (pdf 8K),
Lao PDR (pdf 6K), Philippines, Timor-Leste (pdf 5K), Viet Nam (pdf
5K), Cook Islands (pdf 9K), Fiji (on hold), Kiribati (pdf 9K), ,Papua
New Guinea (pdf 4K), ,Samoa (pdf 1K), Solomon Islands (pdf 1K), Tonga
(pdf 2K), Vanuatu (pdf 1K).
2-New Zealand Development Scholarships – Open category (NZDS-Open)
The NZDS-Open scholarships scheme is a non-bilateral scheme available
to candidates of some developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin
America and the Pacific. Under the NZDS-Open scheme, candidates
independently apply for a scholarship.

NZDS-Open scholarships are generally directed at employees of private
sector or civil society sector organisations, including non-
governmental organisations. In some countries, public sector employees
can also apply for a NZDS-Open scholarship depending on the country or
region-specific selection criteria. This criteria also determines the
levels and the fields of study under which candidates can apply to
study in New Zealand.
Eligible countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia: Cambodia (pdf
66K), Indonesia (pdf 68K), Lao PDR (pdf 66K), Maldives (pdf 58K),
Mongolia (pdf 58K), Myanmar (pdf 58K), Nepal (pdf 58K), Philippines
(pdf 62K), Sri Lanka (pdf 58K), Timor-Leste (pdf 75K), Viet Nam (pdf
Eligible countries in the Pacific region: Federated States of
Micronesia (pdf 84K), Marshall Islands (pdf 84K), Palau (pdf 84K),
Fiji (On hold), Kiribati (pdf 69K), Papua New Guinea (pdf 84K), Samoa
(pdf 61K), Solomon Islands (pdf 71K), Tonga (pdf 82K), Vanuatu (pdf91K)
Eligible countries in Latin America: Argentina (pdf 74K), Bolivia (pdf
74K), Brazil (pdf 74K), Chile (including Rapa Nui) (pdf 74K), Ecuador
(pdf 74K), El Salvador (pdf 74K), Guatemala (pdf 74K), Honduras (pdf
74K), Nicaragua (pdf 74K), Paraguay (pdf 74K), Uruguay (pdf 74K)
Eligible countries in Africa: Kenya (pdf 70K), Mozambique (pdf 70K),
South Africa (pdf 70k), Tanzania (pdf xxK), Zambia (pdf 70K)
More info: http://www.nzaid.govt.nz/scholarships/nzds

Postgraduate Studentship on The role of hyperactivated motility and fluid mechanics in human fertility - Uiversity of Oxford

Postgraduate Studentship

The role of hyperactivated motility and fluid mechanics in human

Department of Mathematics

STUDENTSHIP covers fees (University and College) and maintenance.

Applications are invited for a postgraduate studentship, funded by the
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Global Research
Partnership [KAUST GRP], to work on human sperm dynamics, in particular
"The role of hyperactivated motility and fluid mechanics in human
fertility" under the supervision of Dr Eamonn Gaffney. This DPhil
studentship will start on 1 October 2009, is available to all
nationalities, covers maintenance and full overseas fees and will be
based in the newly established Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied
Mathematics (OCCAM).

OCCAM has been established with substantial funding from the KAUST GRP.
The Centre, which is part of the Mathematical Institute, will be allied
to a global network of mathematicians. Aiming to meet the
ever-increasing global demand for quantitative understanding of complex
scientific phenomena, OCCAM has been built on the strength of four
pre-existing groups of applied and computational mathematicians working
in Oxford: the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the
Centre for Mathematical Biology, the Numerical Analysis Group and the
Computational Biology Group. It has a symbiotic relationship with other
scientific communities which have a need for problem-solving mathematics
both within the University of Oxford and beyond. Over the first five
years the centre will employ 40 new staff and students.

The accumulation of human sperm cells at boundaries is ubiquitous in the
laboratory setting, and is therefore likely to influence the path of a
sperm during its passage along the female reproductive tract. However,
very little is known about the details of such mechanics especially how
it is affected by surface topographies. This is despite the fact that
sperm have to navigate increasingly convoluted surfaces and folds along
the human fallopian tubes, creating a very complex geometry on the
journey towards an egg. Sperm found in the vicinity of an egg are
hyperactivated, which is characteristed by high amplitude tail beating.
This has led to the hypothesis that hyperactivation is necessary to
prevent excessive sperm trapping within crypts of the fallopian tubes.

Consequently, the initial aim of this project is to use high speed
imaging in the classification of hyperactivated human sperm motility
using kinematic and biophysical parameters. This will require a limited
amount of experimental work in the laboratories of collaborators at The
University of Birmingham. The subsequent aim will be to develop models
of hyperactivated human sperm, using the imaging data to ensure typical
beat patterns are correctly represented. We will then investigate the
mechanisms and mechanics by which sperm progress across convoluted
topographies and escape from fallopian tube crypts. Such studies will
require cutting-edge mathematical and computational modeling in the
areas of low Reynolds number flows and filament-fluid interactions.

The collaborators involved in this project are Professor JR Blake (
Mathematics, University of Birmingham), and Dr J. Kirkman-Brown and Dr
DJ Smith (Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham &
the Centre for Human Reproductive Science, Birmingham Women's NHS
Foundation Trust, U.K.)

The studentship is attached to Brasenose College.

For information about OCCAM please visit our website:

Applications can be made online at
www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate_courses/apply/how_to_apply.html and
should include a CV, covering letter, three references and a transcript
of your undergraduate degree. Alternatively, applications can be sent to
Margret Sloper at the Mathematical Institute using the University's
application form for graduate study, which can be downloaded from the
above link. Applications must arrive by end of day Friday 27th February
2009. The reference for this application is BK/08/059; make sure that
you state this in the covering letter. Applicants must arrange for their
referees to send references directly to the Graduate Studies Assistant
(fax or e-mail is sufficient) by the closing date. For further details
about the projects, including the application process, please see the
Further Particulars link below, or contact Graduate Studies, email

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

PhD Studentships in Nanoporous Material Science - University of Edinburgh

PhD Studentship

Metal-organic frameworks for hydrogen purification

School of Engineering and Electronics

Funding is available for a PhD studentship in the School of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh for a collaborative project with the School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews. Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) constitute one of the most exciting developments in recent nanoporous-material s science, with potential applications in many areas, including catalysis, gas separation and storage. The major advantage of MOFs over more traditional porous materials, such as zeolites, is the greater scope for tailoring these materials for specific applications due to their modular synthesis from corner units (generally metal ions or clusters) and linker units (organic molecules able to bridge the metal corners).

The project
Hydrogen is a potential future automotive fuel as well as an important industrial feedstock. For fuel-cell applications, as well as in many industrial processes, high purity is required. The hydrogen required can be produced either by generating it from steam reforming or methanol cracking processes or by recovering it from hydrogen-rich process streams by adsorbing the impurities using pressure swing adsorption. Such streams are readily available in refineries and petrochemical plants and are sometimes burnt as a waste stream. The scope of this project is to design new adsorbents for hydrogen purification using computational and experimental methods.

The studentship
The studentship is available immediately for a period of 4 years. The studentships provide a tax-free EPSRC stipend (currently £12,600 per annum), plus university fees at the Home / EU rate. Additional funding might be available to cover the overseas fees for highly qualified non-EU citizens.

For this project, collaboration between the chemical engineers at the University of Edinburgh and the chemists at the University of St Andrews is a very important element and the successful candidates will spend significant periods of time at the partner institutions, learning about material synthesis and characterisation. The ability to be a team player and to work in close collaboration with a team of chemical engineers and chemists is therefore essential.

The successful candidates will have a first class or 2.1 degree, or equivalent, in chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, or a related subject. As the project contains a substantial computational element, some programming experience in FORTRAN or a similar programming language is desirable though not essential.

For further information please contact Dr Tina Düren (+44 (0)131 6504856, tina.duren@ed.ac.uk).

PhD Studentships Department of Community Based Medicine - Dept of Community Based Medicine University of Bristol

The Department of Community Based Medicine comprises the Academic Units of
Primary Health Care, Psychiatry, Community Child & Adolescent Health, and
Ethics in Medicine. http://bristol. ac.uk/cobm/

The Department of Community Based Medicine is eligible to apply for
studentships of three years duration from a variety of sources (MRC,
University of Bristol, DHPA) for UK, EU and overseas candidates. The level
of support offered depends on the type of studentship. Award of these
studentships is made by Faculty or University Selection Panels. Applications
are invited from graduates with good Honours or Masters degrees in relevant
disciplines (epidemiology/ sociology/ psychology/ statistics/ economics/
neuroscience/ pharmacology/ clinical medicine applied to
clinical/methodolog ical issues in priority research areas) for nomination
for PhD studentships tenable from October 2009.

Further details of funding schemes, including eligibility can be found here:

Further information about the department and proposed projects, and how to
apply, is available here:

Applications must be sent to: Ms Jessica Blissett, Department of Community
Based Medicine, University of Bristol, 25 Belgrave Road, Bristol BS8 2AA.
Telephone: 0117 331 3865, Email: Jessica.Blissett@ bristol.ac. uk

Closing date for applications for all funding schemes: 5pm on Friday 13
February 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008

Postgraduate Studentship on Modelling Coronary Blood Flow Dynamics - University of Oxford

Postgraduate Studentship Modelling Coronary Blood Flow Dynamics

Department of Mathematics - STUDENTSHIP covers fees (University and College) and maintenance.

Applications are invited for a postgraduate studentship, funded by the
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Global Research
Partnership [KAUST GRP], to work on "Modelling Coronary Blood Flow
Dynamics" under the supervision of Dr Nic Smith and Prof. Jon Chapman.
This DPhil studentship will start on 1 October 2009, is available to all
nationalities, covers maintenance and full overseas fees and will be
based in the newly established Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied
Mathematics (OCCAM).

OCCAM has been established with substantial funding from the KAUST GRP.
The Centre, which is part of the Mathematical Institute, will be allied
to a global network of mathematicians. Aiming to meet the
ever-increasing global demand for quantitative understanding of complex
scientific phenomena, OCCAM has been built on the strength of four
pre-existing groups of applied and computational mathematicians working
in Oxford: the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the
Centre for Mathematical Biology, the Numerical Analysis Group and the
Computational Biology Group. It has a symbiotic relationship with other
scientific communities which have a need for problem-solving mathematics
both within the University of Oxford and beyond. Over the first five
years the centre will employ 40 new staff and students.

Coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the western
world. Recent advances in high performance computing and medical imaging
have lead to the development of detailed models of vascular structure
and blood flow respectively. These techniques now enable the simulation
of perfusion through three dimensional representations of vascular
geometry. However, there are two difficulties with these classes of
models: (1) the computational simulation of flow through complete
vascular beds from feeding vessels to capillaries is computationally
prohibitive and (2) it is impossible to measure flow in all vessels and
thus fully validate such models for clinical application. Recent
developments in Perfusion MRI and Nuclear Medicine by our clinical
collaborators at St Thomas' Hospital now provide the ability to
accurately measure blood volume in cardiac tissue. This presents an
opportunity to develop a novel modelling framework to explicitly address
these limitations by linking vascular structure to whole organ perfusion
through the application of a multi-scale porous-flow model.

The goal of this project will be to develop models with the potential to
directly interpret clinically acquired perfusion images and guide
revascularisation strategies in the heart. The methodology will be based
on homogenizing discrete vascular structures by applying previously
developed asymptotic approach. A key mathematical challenge will be
adapting the multiple scales technique to the hierarchical branching
structure of blood vessels. This may lead to a continuum sub-model for
each generation of vessel (e.g. capillaries, arterioles, small/large
coronary vessels) which are coupled to produce a full multi-domain and
multi-scale representational of coronary perfusion. These predicted
perfusion fields will be mathematically validated via comparison with
the perfusion fields determined using the discrete model whose structure
was used to define the porosity tensor. Finally the model will be
applied to human data collected at St Thomas' to assess the clinical
potential of the approach.

The collaborators on this project are Professor Jos Spaan (Department
Medical Physics, University of Amsterdam) and Professor Eike Nagel
(Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital).

The studentship is attached to St Anne's College.

For information about OCCAM please visit our website:

Applications can be made online at
www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate_courses/apply/how_to_apply.html and
should include a CV, covering letter, three references and a transcript
of your undergraduate degree. Alternatively, applications can be sent to
Margret Sloper at the Mathematical Institute using the University's
application form for graduate study, which can be downloaded from the
above link. Applications must arrive by end of day Friday 27th February
2009. The reference for this application is BK/08/058; make sure that
you state this in the covering letter. Applicants must arrange for their
referees to send references directly to the Graduate Studies Assistant
(fax or e-mail is sufficient) by the closing date. For further details
about the projects, including the application process, please see the
Further Particulars link below, or contact Graduate Studies, email

Oxford University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

PhD Position in Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

website link:

PhD studentship
Glaciology, Geomorphodynamics and Geochronology
Department of Geography
University of Zurich, Switzerland

We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project CRYOSUB: Mountain
Cryosphere Subgrid Parameterization and Computation, starting 1 March
or 1 April 2009.
The expected outcome of this project is a method that allows for
continental- scale modeling of permafrost, snow and glacier mass
balance in mountain areas under present and simulated future climate.
This is important because the mountain cryosphere influences a large
proportion of the global land mass and population, experiences high
rates of climate change and is currently inadequately resolved in
regional climate models due to the dominating influence of sub-grid
variability. This project will provide a proof of concept for the
inclusion of topography sub-grid schemes into climate models as well
as applications of mountain cryosphere models over large mountain ranges.
Applicants are required to have successfully completed a Masters level
degree in a relevant area, e.g., Climatology, Meteorology, Computer
Science, Mathematics, Physics, Computational Geography or Earth
Sciences. Programming skills (low level such as C/FORTRAN and high
level such as Matlab/IDL) and experience with GIS are important
assets. You have a very good standard of written and spoken English
and will be working in a heterogeneous and multi-disciplinary
environment. Mountaineering skills are welcome. You will receive the
standard PhD salary according to the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Curriculum Vitae, transcripts and contact details (including e-mail
addresses and phone numbers) for two references should be sent with
your letter of application to:

Dr. Stephan Gruber
Department of Geography
University of Zurich-Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich, Switzerland

9 PhD Positions at Uppsala University, Sweden


PhD position in Complex Metal and Semiconductor Nanoclusters,
stationed at MAX-lab Lund
at the Department of Physics and Materials Science
Application no later than December 16, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/3086

PhD position in Medical Science
at the Department of Medical Sciences
Application no later than December 17, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2627

PhD position in Neuroscience within the subject of mechanisms of
improved stress tolerance and welfare of farmed fish
at the Department of Neuroscience
Application no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2928

PhD student
at the Department of Physics and Materials Science
Application no alter than January 30, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/3000
Extended date of application

PhD position within the IceCube project
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than January 15, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2838

PhD positions in theoretical physics, especially string theory
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than January 15, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2833

PhD position in organic chemistry - organic nanochemistry and
at the Department of biochemistry and organic chemistry
Application no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2859

PhD position in microbial ecology
at the Department of ecology and evolution
Application no later than January 7, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2947

PhD student in nuclear physics with emphasis on experimental hadron
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2741

6 PhD Positions in Geology at Lulea TU, Sweden

The Division of Applied Geology is looking for 6 new PhD-students.

Research and education at the Division of Applied Geology is mainly
focused on Environmental Geochemistry. Basic research is combined
with applied projects. The philosophy is that being in the front of
basic research gives a favourable development of methods and skills
useful and necessary in applied research. The applied research aims
at studying and quantifying pollution effects from different
anthropogenic sources, and possible methods to decrease the release
of pollutants and to limit their deleterious effects.

1. Remediation of sulphide-bearing mine waste by using sewage

By studies on all scales from laboratory tests, pilot scale studies
and full scale field trials, various types of use of sewage sludge
for remediation of sulphide-bearing mine waste will be develope. The
efficiency on different time scales will be quantified as well as
improvements achieved by mixing of the sewage sludge with other
materials. The research is performed in close collaboration with the
active mining industry.

Contact persons: Lena Alakangas, tel +46 920 491396,
lena.alakangas@ltu.se and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3081-08

2. The use of alternativ materials for remediation of sulphide-
bearing mine waste

During remediation of mining waste, the most important goal is to
decrease the inflow of oxygen to the sulphide minerals. This is
usually obtained by applying a sealing layer with so low hydraulic
conductivity that it always has a high degree of water saturation.
Till with a high clay content is commonly used in Sweden. In this
project the use of alternative materials, such as waste from other
industries and activities will be studied. The research is performed
in close collaboration with the active mining industry.

Contact persons: Lena Alakangas, tel +46 920 491396,
lena.alakangas@ltu.se and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3082-08

3. Effects of hydropower production on river-near

Hydropower production results in changed water levels in regulated
rivers. Short-term water level changes result in changed eco-systems
close to the rivers, and changed groundwater levels and properties.
The aim of this project is to study the effects of hydropower
production on the geochemistry of river-near groundwater.

Contact persons: Angela Lundberg, tel +46 920 491207,
angela.lundberg@ ltu.se and Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,

Dnr 3083-08

4. The use of Cu-isotopes to quantify the role of microbes in
geochemical key reactions such as preciptation and dissolution of

During the latest years it has become possible to detect and analyse
the small changes in isotopic composition which chemical and
biological processes cause also for stable metals such as Cu. The
research team at Applied geology in Luleå is leading in Sweden in
development of such analyses, and in the development of applications
of them. The aim of this project is to develop methods for analyses
of Cu-isotopes in different materials, and to use such analyses to
quantify the role of microbes in geochemical key reactions such as
dissolution and precipitation of minerals in oxidizing mine waste.
Also isotopic changes during uptake in plants will be studied.

Contact person: Björn Öhlander, tel +46 920 491478,
bjorn.ohlander@ ltu.se

Dnr 3084-08

5. Optimization of surveys of polluted areas

About 1 billion SEK is spent annually in Sweden for surveying and
remediation of polluted areas. The guidances for how to perform
sampling, anlyses and interpretations of, for example, polluted
soils, are vague and insufficient. The aim of this project is to
improve surveying of polluted areas, by geostatistical studies av
finished and ongoing objects.

Contact person: Christian Maurice, +46 70 6090195

Dnr 3085-08

6. Remediation of sulphidic mine tailings using green liquor dregs;
solving two waste problems at the same time

Mining results in large amounts of waste, waste rock and mill
tailings. If this waste contains sulphide minerals, oxidation may
result in the formation of acid mine drainage. The aim of this
project is to study if green liquor dredge, an alkaline rest product
from the paper industry, can be used as water and oxygen barrier in
sealing layers in remediation of mine waste. The green liquor dredge
may also buffer acidity produced by the oxidizing sulphides.
Potentially, two waste problems could be solved at the same time

Contact persons: Christian Maurice, + 46 70 6090195 and Björn
Öhlander, +46 920 491478, bjorn.ohlander@ltu.se

Dnr 3175-08


Application with merits marked with Ref No should be sent to the
Registry Secretary,Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå,
Sweden or by email to registrator@ltu.se

Last date for all applications is: 2009-01-01


7 PhD Positions at Linkopings University, Sweden

[ LiU-2008-04742 ]
Institutionen för systemteknik. Deadline for application: 2008-12-31.

PhD student position in Surface and Semiconductor Physics
[ LiU-2008/02624 ]
Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi. Deadline for application:

Doctoral student in Disability Research, specializing in Cognitive
Hearing Science, especially cognitive development
[ LiU 2008/04698 ]
Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande. Deadline for
application: 2009-01-23.

Doctoral student in Disability Research, specializing in Cognitive
Hearing Science, especially cognitive modelling
[ LiU 2008/04699 ]
Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande. Deadline for
application: 2009-01-23.

Doctoral student in Disability Research, specializing in Cognitive
Hearing Science, especially tinnitus research
[ LiU 2008/04700 ]
Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande. Deadline for
application: 2009-01-23.

Doctoral student in Technical Audiology, specializing in Cognitive
Hearing Science, especially in specifics of inner ear hearing losses
[ LiU-2008/05027 ]
Institutionen för klinisk och experimentell medicin. Deadline for
application: 2009-01-23.

PhD student position in Ethology
[ IFM-2008-04894 ]
Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi. Deadline for application:


Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance Madrid, Spain

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance
Madrid, Spain

Scholarship / Financial aid: up to EUR 10,000 per year offered
Date: one year
Deadline: 6 April 2009
Open to: students

At CEMFI we train students for careers as professional or academic
economists. Our graduates acquire the quantitative tools and research
skills to work as economists in business, finance, government, and

The basic graduate offering at CEMFI is its highly prestigiousMaster in Economics and Finance. Unlike many Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.
CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the
tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR
10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit. If new grants are endowed, they will be
announced on CEMFI’s web page.

Admission to the PhD program at CEMFI is through the Master. All students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from an external source or from CEMFI. For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please
visit the website. For any queries, feel free to contact: admissions@cemfi.es .

Website: http://www.cemfi.es/
Email: admissions@cemfi.es

Ph.D. positions in Economics and Public Finance

Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
The Erasmus University in Rotterdam in the Netherlands is looking for
Ph.D. students in economics. The Ph.D. students will be part of a
young research team, led by prof.dr. B. Jacobs and prof. dr. R.A. de
Mooij, which operates in the twilight zone of public finance,
macroeconomics, labour economics and applied policy analysis. The
research is not only scientifically relevant, but also has relevance
for economic policy and society at large. The group cooperates
intensively with the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy
Analysis, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch Ministry
of Finance, the OECD and the European Commission. Research results are
also highly visible in the public policy debate. The research group
provides courses in economics of taxation, public finance and tax
policy at the BA, MA and PhD level to students in economics, fiscal
law and econometrics at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Tinbergen
Institute. The ambition is to have a complete research group of about
15 talented, ambitious and young people working in public finance and
public policy in 4-5 years from now on. Multiple Ph.D. projects are
currently available. The following abstracts summarize the projects.

Abstract Ph.D. project 1 – An applied empirical analysis of capital
income tax reform in the Netherlands

In 2001, the Dutch government fundamentally reformed the income tax by
introducing a dual system in which labour and capital incomes are
taxed under different regimes. Especially the taxation of capital
income was a major novelty since the tax on the presumptive return is
unique in the world. The reform involves a quasi-natural experiment
and offers an opportunity to identify various behavioural and tax
elasticities. This research aims to estimate elasticities at a number
of these behavioural margins, such as the debt-equity decision, the
choice of legal form by small firms, the decision to retain or
distribute profits, and the investor portfolio choice between owner-
occupied housing, pensions and widely held shares. The estimated
elasticities will be used to calibrate an applied general equilibrium
model that we will develop and which focuses on the tax treatment of
capital income. The model allows for a comprehensive welfare analysis
of the tax reform of 2001. Moreover, it can be used to analyse
alternative tax-reforms such as the adoption of a consumption tax or a
comprehensive tax on capital income, which includes a tax on capital

Abstract Ph.D. project 2 – Skill formation in distorted labour markets

The main question of this research proposal is: how do modern welfare
states and distortions in labour markets affect the incentives for
skill formation over the lifecycle? Labour force participation, hours
worked, and later retirement raise the returns on human capital
investments from initial schooling and on-the-job training, and vice
versa. Less human capital investment results in lower wages, and
thereby reduces the economic incentives to participate in the labour
market, to work more hours, and to retire later. Extensive welfare
states and imperfections in labour markets could be important in
explaining weak labour market performance and, as a result, weak
incentives for skill formation. Labour market imperfections and
welfare state policies may also shift the wage profile over the
lifecycle, thereby affecting the incentives for training on-the-job
and (early) retirement. Analytically tractable general equilibrium
models will be developed to study the interactions between distorted
labour markets and skill formation. Various labour market
imperfections (caused by unions, search frictions, efficiency wages,
or insiders-outsiders) and welfare state policies (education policy,
minimum wages, wage subsidies, labour market protection legislation,
tax policy, unemployment insurance, retirement schemes) will be
analysed. The policy relevance of this project is high. Firstly,
skills are crucial determinants of labour productivity and income.
Secondly, skill-biased labour demand shifts jeopardise the earnings
and employment prospects of the low skilled and increase income
inequality. Thirdly, low labour force participation rates of older
workers are worrisome in light of ageing populations.

Extensive descriptions of the research proposals can be found at

Successful applicants will be offered a 4-year position at Erasmus
University. During the first year Ph.D. students are required to
participate in the M.Phil. program in economics of the Tinbergen
Institute to upgrade their skills in macroeconomics, microeconomics
and econometrics. For more information, visit www.tinbergen. nl. From
the second-fourth years, a Ph.D. thesis will be written on one of the
topics mentioned below. Prof.dr. B. Jacobs and prof. dr. R.A. de Mooij
will be supervising the research process. Ph.D. students have the
freedom to actively pursue their research interests.

Research results will be presented in research seminars at the
Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University, other universities in Europe,
and international workshops and conferences (such as the annual
conference of the International Institute for Public Finance). Policy-
relevant research outcomes will be presented in the seminar series of
the European Commission (e.g. the series of DG Economic and Financial
affairs and DG Taxation), CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy
Analysis and the Ministry of Finance.


Applicants should have successfully completed a master's degree (or
equivalent) and have excellent analytical skills. Moreover, they
should have a strong command of English. Especially graduates in
econometrics or economics with a specialization in general economics
are invited to apply. However, we also welcome graduates with a
background in mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, information
sciences, biology, engineering, or philosophy. We require that
applicants have a genuine interest in economics, economic policy,
politics or society at large.

Contract and salary

The initial contract will be for 1.5 years. The terms of the contract
are in accordance with the Collective Agreement on Labour Conditions
for Netherlands Universities (CAO NU). If you have sufficiently proven
your abilities, the temporary contract will be renewed for a further
2.5 years. The salary is in accordance with the Promovendus scale of
CAO NU, which corresponds to a gross monthly salary of € 2,000.00 for
a full-time (i.e. 38 hours per week) appointment in the first year
through to € 2,558.00 in the fourth and final year.


Interested applicants can send a letter that motivates their
application before January 15, 2009 by email to hamers@few.eur. nl or
by mail to Astrid Hamers, FEI BV, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, PO box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
They should also include an up-to-date CV and grading lists. If
available, research papers (at most two) and teaching evaluations
should be included as well.

More information can be obtained from prof.dr. B. Jacobs
(bjacobs@few.eur.nl, homepage: www.xs4all.nl/~jacobs73) prof.dr. R.A.
de Mooij (demooij@few.eur.nl, homepage: people.few.eur.nl/demooij) .

JEL Classification( s): D, E, H, I, J

Application has to be received by 15. January 2009.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Postdoc Fellowships at Politecnico di Torino, Italy

DEADLINE: 29th of January 2009

Politecnico is looking for Italian and foreign young post-doctoral
researchers (up to 33 years old) and Italian and foreign researchers
with at least two years of experience in foreign research labs and
presently employed abroad.


Two years fellowships for junior researchers
Two years fellowships for senior Italian researchers working abroad
Two years fellowships for foreign senior researchers



PhD Scholarships Available in mobile information sharing

Applications are invited for PhD scholarships in mobile information sharing
research at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore). Successful candidates will have the
opportunity to work on a cutting-edge mobile interactive digital media
project that involves gameplay and information sharing. Potential areas of
research include:

* Mobile game design and development for information sharing
* User interface design and evaluation
* Modeling mobile information seeking
* Mobile data management
* Information retrieval and mining techniques
* Mobility and management of information systems
* Social, psychological and organizational impact studies

Ideal candidates would have a good Master's degree in computer science,
information systems, information science, or fields relevant to the above
research areas. They should have good communication skills in English and be
motivated to carry out research in one or more of the above areas. They
should also preferably have some mobile applications development and/or data
analysis experience. GRE scores are also required for candidates whose
degrees are not awarded from a Singapore-based university.

Scholarships are available for the August 2009 semester. Successful
candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship plus a monthly stipend.
For more information about the graduate programs at the Wee Kim Wee School
of Communication & Information, please visit:

Potential applicants should send a CV with publication list and academic
transcripts to Dr Dion Goh at ashlgoh@ntu.edu.sg.

============ ========= ========= ========= ===
Dion Goh
Associate Professor
Director, MSc Information Systems Program
Division of Information Studies
School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University
31 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637718

Phone: (65) 6790-6290
Fax: (65) 6791-5214
Email: ashlgoh@ntu.edu.sg
URL: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ashlgoh/

Friday, December 5, 2008

PhD Scholarships at University of Luebeck, Germany

The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
(funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsch aft, DFG, and the German
Government within the German university excellence program) at
Luebeck University is now offering PhD scholarships for the
following 16 projects:

1. Correction of Susceptibility caused Distortions in Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging http://www.gradschool.uni-luebeck.de/?q=node/13&expand=I1

2.Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography in the Deep Brain http://www.gradschool.uni-luebeck.de/?q=node/13&expand=I1

3. Transcranial sonography (TCS) in monogenic forms of Parkinsonism

4. Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

5. Parallel mode of action control: from human studies to intelligent
robotic interfaces

6. Cardiac pacemaker localization

7. Brain Modelling

8. Robot assisted navigation guided OCT operating microscope

9. Definition of cortical networks for the control of eye and hand

10. 3-dimensional kinematic principles of eye, head and limb

11. Interfaces based on EEG, ECoG and DBS

12. Inhibitor Design

13. Efficient Methods of Exact Solutions of Complex Problems in

14. Synaptic Plasticity: Regulatory Mechanisms in Receptor

15. Computational analysis of RNA structure

16. Analysis of adult stem cells by computer vision

Please visit our website for more detailed descriptions of the

PhD scholarships amount to 1250 Euros per month. The application
deadline is January 15, 2009. Students with a master's degree (or
its equivalent) in computer science, mathematics or engineering are
invited to apply for admission. In certain cases, students must
submit, as part of their application, the results of one of the
acknowledged language tests to prove their English proficiency.

For further information, please visit our website at
www.gradschool. uni-luebeck. de.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via

management@gradscho ol.uni-luebeck. de before sending your application.

Best wishes from Luebeck,
Prof.Dr.-Ing.Achim Schweikard

University of Luebeck
Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23538 Luebeck

PhD position in pediatrics

The Cystic Fibrosis / Pulmonary Research Group at the Department of Pediatrics III, Pediatric Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of Heidelberg offers a position for a highly motivated and talented PhD Graduate Student (naturwissenschaftl . Doktorand/in,
TV-L13/2) for a research project investigating the role of microRNAs in the pathogenesis and as potential therapeutic targets for chronic obstructive lung disease in an established transgenic mouse model (Mall et al. Nature Medicine 2004 10:487-93).

This project is funded by the „Frontier“ innovation fund of the Excellence Initiative of the University of Heidelberg and is embedded within the inspiring environment of the Molecular Medicine Partenership Unit (MMPU) of the University of Heidelberg and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Applicants must hold a Master’s degree (‘Diplom’) in a Life Science related area (e.g. Biology or Biochemistry) . Prior experience in molecular and cell biology techniques, cell culture and animal handling are desirable.

Please send your CV, a short letter indicating prior research / future goals and names of three references to:

PD Dr. Marcus Mall, M.D.
Group Leader and Head of Cystic Fibrosis Center
Department of Pediatrics III
Pediatric Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis Center
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 350
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Email: Marcus.Mall@med.uni-heidelberg.de

For International Students: International PhD Program Tuebingen (Germany), Spring 2009

The Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tuebingen

invite applications for PhD positions in following areas:

* Cell Biology
* Biochemistry
* Developmental Genetics
* Structural Biology
* Quantitative Genetics
* Plant Development
* Evolutionary Biology
* Bioinformatics

Highly qualified applicants from all countries are invited to apply.

All applicants must hold or anticipate to receive a Diploma or Masters degree by the time of their start as a PhD student in our institutes.

Candidates have to be fluent in written and spoken English (GRE compulsory for non European candidates).

The positions are funded by Max Planck Fellowships.

Application form, evaluation forms (2 needed) and all details about our online registration are available at http://www.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/phd-program

Application deadline is January 16, 2009.

After the review of completed applications selected candidates will be invited for personal interviews in Tuebingen during March 11-13, 2009.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hannover Medical School 60 PhD positions in international PhD programs

Website : http://www.mh-hannover.de/hbrs.html

20 positions in the
MD/PhD program "Molecular Medicine"


20 positions in the
PhD program "Infection Biology"


20 positions in the
PhD program "Regenerative Sciences"

Hannover Biomedical Research School, as part of Hannover Medical
School (MHH), invites applications for the above PhD studentships,
to commence in October 2009.

The three-year study programs, taught in English, are aimed at post-
graduates in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine as well as those from
Life Science fields. The PhD program "Regenerative Sciences" is also
open to students from the various disciplines of Materials Sciences.
As well as working on a 3-year research project, students also
attend seminars, lab and soft-skill courses, congresses, symposia
and summer schools. Successful candidates will be awarded a PhD,
alternatively Dr. rer. nat. Scholarships are to be fully funded by
the DFG (Excellence Initiative), MHH, partner institutes and their
respective departments.

We are looking for highly-motivated candidates who have an active
interest in one of the fields associated with one or more of the
programs on offer. Excellent written and spoken English skills are
required. With nearly two thirds of our students coming from outside
Germany, international applicants are welcome. Deadline for
completed applications is April 1st, 2009. Application forms to be
found on the website below (NB. Please send us your preferences by
clicking on the respective program in our online application process
on www.mh-hannover. de/hbrs.html) .

Job Description

MD/PhD "Molecular Medicine": The program aims to form a bridge
between Science and the Clinic, in research as well as in teaching.
For information on this program contact: Dr. Susanne Kruse (Tel: +49-
(0)511-532-6011 / E-mail: daniel.marlies@mh-hannover.de)

PhD Infection Biology: Students focus on the main topics in
Infection, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology and Cell Biology. For
information on this program contact Luise Fiegehenn (Tel: +49-(0)511-
532-9742 / E-mail: zib@mh-hannover.de)

PhD Regenerative Sciences: Research and teaching concentrate on
Developmental Biology, Stem Cell Biology, Biology of Ageing and
Degeneration, Growth Factors and Other Regenerative Agents, Cell
Therapy, Tissue Engineering including Materials and Natural
Sciences, and Ethical as well as Regulatory Implications. For
information on this program contact Dr. Daniela Pelz (Tel: +49-(0)
511-532-5206 / E-mail: pelz.daniela@ mh-hannover. de)


Job Starting Date

Application Deadline

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kingston University PhD Scholarships 2009 Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture

The Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture is pleased to announce the availability of a number of full-time three-year PhD scholarships and part-time PhD fee waivers, for projects to start in Autumn 2009. Research proposals, including for practice-led projects, are invited for the subject areas listed under each of our Research Centres:

Contemporary Art (Centre for Useless Splendour)
Agency and socially-sited art production
Art and technology
Knowledge, art and the archive
Embodiment, matter and experience

Sustainable and Environmental Architecture
Creative Resource
Curating the Contemporary
Fashioning Luxury
Design for Environments
Sustainable Design and Architecture
The City
Design Practice, Theory and Pedagogy

Visual and Material Culture
Theories and histories of the artistic avant-gardes
Art, War and Commemoration in the Twentieth Century
The Art Market in the Middle East: A Cultural and Political History from Goupil to the Gulf
Post-war Émigré Sculptors in Britain
Identity based performance art in Japan since the 1960s
Contemporary art practices: place, history and audience

Modern Interiors Research Centre
The design of the public and private interior 1870-1970
Modernity, identity and the interior

Real Estate Research Centre
Sustainable communities
Valuing real estate for sustainability
Regulatory frameworks
Built environment education

Further details of these Research Centres are available from the Faculty Research Administrator, Emerald Day. The scholarships are for £15,000 made up of the EU/UK tuition fee plus a bursary, and Scholars will be expected to undertake a small amount of teaching. Part-time fee waivers are also available. Successful applicants will be expected to apply for AHRC funding through the Faculty. Applications for our range of taught postgraduate programmes are also welcomed.

Tel +44 (0) 20 8417 4016

Email : e.day@kingston.ac.uk

Visit : www.kingston.ac.uk/designpostgrad

Closing date for applications: 12 January 2009.

Interviews: week beginning 26 January.

PhD studentship in acoustic

PhD Studentship
Synthesized Music for Room Acoustic Measurement - Architectural Acoustics and Music Technology
Acoustics Research Centre

School of Computing, Science and Engineering

Expected start date: As soon as possible after sated closing date

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship funded by the Leverhulme Trust to research into the use of synthesized music as probe stimuli to determine parameters of acoustically critical spaces such as concert halls, cinemas, lecture theatres, recording studios and listening rooms.

When measuring room acoustics with traditional methods, loud and unpleasant test signals are inevitably used in most cases to maintain sufficient signal to noise ratios. These noisy probe stimuli are intolerable to audience, and consequently, in-situ, occupied measurements of rooms are rarely carried out. This hinders our understanding of the acoustic properties of a space when it is in a realistic in-use situation. The project will develop a new method that employs purposely synthesized music to replace the noisy test signals to enable occupied measurements. The synthesized signals will have to satisfy musical aesthetic requirements, as well as a scientific need of being suitable for the measurement: - a paradigm where science and art meet. Signal processing algorithms will be developed to resolve impulse responses from the received new music. The method will advance acoustic measurement techniques and enable better understanding of architectural

Suitable candidates will have or expect to obtain a good Bachelor's (a minimum of a 2.1 Honours Degree), or preferably a Master's Degree in a suitable area (e.g. acoustics, physical science, engineering or music technology, computer composition) , and be able to demonstrate competent problem solving and analytical abilities. A keen interest in this particular area of the research is essential. Competence in audio signal processing, programming and knowledge of music theory/computer music composition (e.g. ability of score reading, A level music, ABRSM grade 5+) would be a significant advantage.

The studentship is open to EU candidates and includes a tax-free stipend (identical to the standard EPSRC rate) for up to three years, plus PhD tuition fees at home student rate over the same period. The stipend will be £12,940 per annum for the 2008-09 academic year.

Interested applicants should contact Dr Francis Li (email: f.f.li@salford. ac.uk) for an informal discussion in the first instance.

Full application should include

1. A completed application form, downloadable online www.salford.ac.uk/study/forms/postgraduate_research_application.pdf
2. A full academic CV with contact details of at least two referees from whom we can obtain references regarding your most advanced academic work.
3. A cover letter explaining how your interests and experience relate to the project.

Full applications should be sent to: - Keren Maloney, School of Computing, Science & Engineering, Newton Building, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT (email: k.Maloney@salford.ac.uk), quoting reference number Lev-01.

Closing date for applications: 12 Dec, 2008

PhD research studentship in health history

PhD Research Studentships
Health History/History of Medicine: Two Studentships
Division of Social Sciences, School of Law and Social Sciences

Applications are invited for two full-time PhD Research Studentships in the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare at Glasgow Caledonian University, one of which is funded by the Wellcome Trust and the other by Glasgow Caledonian University. The studentships are for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress and provide payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus an annual stipend.

The overall aim of these studentships will be to conduct research in the area of Health History/History of Medicine. Potential candidates should propose a research project complementary to the research interests of Centre members based at GCU. The successful candidates may also be expected to undertake 6 hours of academic activity per week.

Applicants should hold an MSc/MA in History, preferably with a significant Health History/History of Medicine component; and a good first degree in history (2/1 or above) or a cognate discipline.

Potential candidates for Health History/History of Medicine should propose a research project complementary to the research interests of Centre members based at GCU.

How to apply:
An application form can be downloaded from the following web page:

Please return the completed application, curriculum vitae, copies of academic qualifications, references and all other required documentation to Ms Diane Dickie, The Graduate Centre, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK.
Tel: +44(0)141 331 8096; E: D.Dickie@gcal. ac.uk.

The closing date for applications is Thurs 4 December 2008; short-listed candidates will be contacted to attend for interview in early January and a commencement date of February/March 2009 is anticipated.

For further information and informal enquiries about these PhD studentships, please contact Professor John Stewart, Director of the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare, (T: +44(0)141 331 3325; Email: John.Stewart@gcal.ac.uk)

Junior research fellowship In philosophy The Queen's College

The Governing Body proposes to elect to a Junior Research Fellowship in Philosophy tenable for three years from 1st October 2009.

The basic stipend of the Fellowship, which is pensionable under the Universities Superannuation Scheme, is £16,404, subject to adjustment in the light of any other emoluments enjoyed by the Fellow or in the light of any general alteration to University stipends. The Fellow will be entitled to free rooms in College (or in approved cases to an allowance of £3,285(in lieu), and to free meals in College. Other allowances are available. The Fellow may, with the leave of the Governing Body, engage in teaching up to a maximum of six hours weekly and, if teaching, would normally be expected to give priority to the College's own teaching needs.

Candidates must by 1 October 2009 have passed all the examinations required for a first degree at Oxford or another university, and must not have accumulated more than six years in full time postgraduate study or research (not necessarily continuous).

An application form may be obtained from the College Office, The Queen's College, Oxford OX1 4AW, (telephone: 018...); email: particulars@ queens.ox. ac.uk, or at http://www.queens.ox.ac.uk/vacancies to whom applications (six copies) should be submitted not later than 19th December 2008.

PhD positions in History of Science Leiden University

PhD position History of Science
Leiden University
Leiden, 2300 RA (Zuid-Holland) , 38 hours per week

Job description
Function title: PhD position History of Science
The Faculty of Science, Leiden University, offers a PhD position in History of Science. The position is available from 1 January 2009. The project is accommodated by the Leiden Observatory

PhD project: Jan Hendrik Oort and the rise of radio astronomy in the Netherlands
The Leiden astronomer Oort made his name in the 1920s and 1930s through his studies of the Galaxy. From the 1940s onward, he became a pioneer in the new field of radio astronomy, together with his pupil H.C. van de Hulst. Their efforts culminated in 1970 in the foundation of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, at the time the world’s largest radio telescope. The aim of this project is to portray the rise of this new field of research from personal, institutional and political angles and to explain how the Netherlands became a centre of observational astronomy. Important source material is located at Leiden University. This includes the papers of Oort and Van de Hulst
This project will be supervised by Prof. F.H. van Lunteren. The PhD-researcher will participate in the activities of the small group of historians of science of the Leiden Observatory.

Required education/skills: University Graduate
For this position we are looking for an ambitious candidate with a recent MA or MSc in either history, history of science, physics or astronomy. Working knowledge of Dutch is required, familiarity with the history of science and/or archival research is an advantage.
Job type: Research / Advising
Workfield(s) :
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Natural Sciences)

Leiden University

Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
The PhD-researcher will be employed on a 4 year contract (with a probation period of one year) with Leiden University with a gross salary increasing from € 28000 to € 36000 per year (including allowances).

Additional Information
Additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:

* About the organization (http://www.leidenuniv.nl/)
* About the function (http://www.vacatures.staging.leidenuniv.nl/phd-position-sterrewacht-8-215.jsp)

You can apply for this job before 15-12-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:

Leiden Observatory, Postbus 9513
2300 RA Leiden

E-mail: e.castermans@scienceleidenuniv.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 8-215.

PhD student position in Applications of space techniques for earth observations -2009, Sweden

Application deadline 2008-12-18

Our research is driven by the curiosity to learn more about the universe and our earth. Through studies of the history of the universe and by studying what is happening on the earth today we search for a greater understanding of the origin of the universe, the earth, and the life. In order to reach our goals we develop very sensitive instrumentation and methods for retrieval of information from measurements.
Job description

We search for a doctoral student to study applications of space techniques to global and regional earth observations. The focus will be in particular on geodetic space techniques such as Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) (e.g. GPS, GLONASS, and the future European system Galileo), and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR).

The measurements performed with these techniques result in parameters such as crustal motions, earth rotation parameters, and the atmospheric water vapour content. These parameters describe the global change on our dynamic planet on various temporal and spatial scales and are of major importance in geophysical and climate research. The techniques have different technique-specific advantages and strengths for global earth observations and are complementing each other in terms of the sensed parameter space, accuracy and resolution. To make use of these techniques in a best possible way with a holistic approach, the individual accuracy and stability needs to be investigated (and possibly improved), and strategies for a combination and integration have to be developed.

One focus of the project is the combination and integration of GNSS and InSAR data and analysis to study crustal deformation phenomena. Other subject areas are GNSS applications to monitor sea level changes and seismic events.

A suitable background is a Master of Science (Swedish: civilingenjör) in physics, electrical engineering, or an equivalent degree, including an experience and/or a strong interest in measurements and data analysis applied to the atmospheric sciences.

You will be employed as a doctoral student by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your working time will be devoted to duties at the department, mainly teaching of undergraduate courses. The remaining time will be devoted to your own research education, where the aim is to complete your PhD examination within 5 years (nominal time without department duties is 4 years).
Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2008/259) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Further information

For additional information please contact Rüdiger Haas

Tel: 46 - 31 772 5530

E-mail: rudiger.haas@chalmers.se at the Department of Radio and Space Science.
Union representatives

* SACO: Jan Lindér
* ST: Marie Wenander
* SEKO: Ralf Berndtsson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

PhD in urban surface energy

PhD position (3 year stipend £19k/year fees to be paid from stipend) who will work with others at King’s College London (KCL) on two European Union FP7 funded research projects to evaluate urban surface energy, water and carbon exchanges through in situ observations, remote sensing analyses and modelling. The KCL component of these projects involves the determination of fluxes for London using the techniques outlined below. Results from this science will be used (1) to develop a decision support system for sustainable urban planning, accounting for urban metabolism; and (2) to assess impacts of megacities on local, regional, and global air quality and climate. The research objectives will be to determine the magnitude and spatial variability of the fluxes and their controls in relation to these applications.
A variety of methods will be deployed during the research, including micrometeorological techniques (e.g. eddy covariance, large aperture scintillometry) to determine local scale fluxes, and analysis of ground?based, airborne and satellite hyper?spectral optical and thermal IR data to determine the surface energy balance. Numerical modelling will involve urban land surface schemes and their application in WRF.
The post holder will work with Professors Sue Grimmond (sue.grimmond@ kcl.ac.uk) and Martin Wooster (Martin.Wooster@ kcl.ac.uk) and their existing research teams to deliver cutting?edge research into urban surface energy, water and carbon exchanges.

Urban Meteorology: The EMM Group’s research on urban meteorology has centred around its
investigation of energy, water and carbon exchanges using micrometeorological techniques, numerical modelling and remote sensing methods in a variety of urban areas (North America, Africa, Europe).
This research has been led by Professor Sue Grimmond and Prof Martin Wooster, and the current post will work within their existing research teams. Recent publications can be found here:


Background: Ideally MSc qualified in an area related to aims of this project. This includes (but is not limited to) meteorology, atmospheric science, earth science, physical geography, computer science, physics, applied mathematics, engineering or other physical science discipline.
Ideally: Strong writing and oral communications ability
Ability to programme (ideally Fortran/ IDL/MatLab)
Experience in collecting and analysing micrometeorological data and/or
Knowledge of remote sensing physics and data processing methods (inlcuduing ideally airborne and TIR data)
Application process: Please provide CV, Covering letter, Names of Two referees, copies of academic transcripts. Please email these to Professor Sue Grimmond (sue.grimmond@ kcl.ac.uk)
Application Deadline: December 5, 2008 or until position filled
Start date: Ideally early 2009 (January/February etc)

Other funding opportunities are available within the Department
Including research Council quota and open awards, King’s Annual Award, Graduate School, School awards, Overseas Research Scholarships. If you are interested in these
Urban Climate and Meteorology including for example
1) Numerical modeling of urban surface?atmosphere exchanges
2) Boundary layer processes
3) Urban energy balance fluxes
4) Urban water exchanges and the link to the energy balance
5) Urban CO2 Exchanges
6) Quantifying evaporation pathways in the suburban environment (CASE award)
*Satellite, ground?based or airborne remote sensing *(and links to models)
7) See list at
Application details can be found on
*The deadline for applications *is 31 January.

PhD-project in coupled vibrations in hydro power rotors

With new operating conditions and aging machines in the hydro power industry, rotor dynamic research in this area is becoming more important. The need for reliable operations of the hydro power machines is of worldwide importance, and to this end the development of better simulation techniques and methods are necessary. When failures do occur, it is important that dynamical questions regarding the cause of the failures can be identified and answered.

As such, there is no other international group today that continuously works with rotor dynamics in hydro power units. Therefore it is expected that our research will have an important impact even at the international level. At LTU and Vattenfall VRD, we have been doing research in rotor dynamics since 2001, leading to several research projects and new findings that have been published in international journals. There are many crucial rotor dynamic issues in hydro power applications. Some examples are rotor interaction with bearings, fluid-rotor structure interaction and electromagnetic fields. We are working in all areas through collaborations within the Swedish hydropower centre (SVC). SVC was initiated 2006 and has as aim to develop competence within the hydro power technology sector. An outcome of the several workshops is the decision by the SVC to initiate a new research project in coupled vibrations in hydro power rotors. Coupled vibrations have
been studied extensively in rotor dynamics and it has been found that coupling can result in unexpected vibrations, and in some cases failure due to self excited motions or parametric excitations. The target in the project is to determine when such problems can occur and also find out the causes of the problems. Thus, we are now searching for a new PhD student in Solid Mechanics to work on these issues


We work with both analytical and numerical methods to study the rotor dynamics. For numerical simulations, we usually use Matlab or own programs, but we do also have access to several other commercial programs should they be required . The new models should be evaluated either in test rigs ( LTU or Vattenfall research & development) or in real hydro power stations. Since several problems are of nonlinear nature, it becomes essential to use nonlinear methods in the work.

Suitable background

The requirement for the appointment is a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering or Applied Physics directed towards mechanics. A strong analytical interest is more than desirable for the project to run smoothly. It is traditionally difficult to attract females to the field of mechanics. Therefore we are actively working for an environment which attracts both females and males

Your work is to perform supervised research, read appropriate courses and participate in departmental activities such as teaching.

For more information about SVC see www.svc.nu and about the project www.ltu.se/tfm/avd/solidmechanics

Contact person: Prof. Jan-Olov Aidanpää, tel: 070-2592531, email: joa@ltu.se


Application marked with Ref no with merits should be sent to Registrator, Luleå tekniska universitet, 971 87 Luleå or registrator@ ltu.se

Ref no: 2951-08

Last date for application is: 2008-12-12

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