Tuesday, December 16, 2008

PhD Studentships Department of Community Based Medicine - Dept of Community Based Medicine University of Bristol

The Department of Community Based Medicine comprises the Academic Units of
Primary Health Care, Psychiatry, Community Child & Adolescent Health, and
Ethics in Medicine. http://bristol. ac.uk/cobm/

The Department of Community Based Medicine is eligible to apply for
studentships of three years duration from a variety of sources (MRC,
University of Bristol, DHPA) for UK, EU and overseas candidates. The level
of support offered depends on the type of studentship. Award of these
studentships is made by Faculty or University Selection Panels. Applications
are invited from graduates with good Honours or Masters degrees in relevant
disciplines (epidemiology/ sociology/ psychology/ statistics/ economics/
neuroscience/ pharmacology/ clinical medicine applied to
clinical/methodolog ical issues in priority research areas) for nomination
for PhD studentships tenable from October 2009.

Further details of funding schemes, including eligibility can be found here:

Further information about the department and proposed projects, and how to
apply, is available here:

Applications must be sent to: Ms Jessica Blissett, Department of Community
Based Medicine, University of Bristol, 25 Belgrave Road, Bristol BS8 2AA.
Telephone: 0117 331 3865, Email: Jessica.Blissett@ bristol.ac. uk

Closing date for applications for all funding schemes: 5pm on Friday 13
February 2009

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