Friday, December 5, 2008

PhD Scholarships at University of Luebeck, Germany

The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
(funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsch aft, DFG, and the German
Government within the German university excellence program) at
Luebeck University is now offering PhD scholarships for the
following 16 projects:

1. Correction of Susceptibility caused Distortions in Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging

2.Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography in the Deep Brain

3. Transcranial sonography (TCS) in monogenic forms of Parkinsonism

4. Stroke Rehabilitation Robot

5. Parallel mode of action control: from human studies to intelligent
robotic interfaces

6. Cardiac pacemaker localization

7. Brain Modelling

8. Robot assisted navigation guided OCT operating microscope

9. Definition of cortical networks for the control of eye and hand

10. 3-dimensional kinematic principles of eye, head and limb

11. Interfaces based on EEG, ECoG and DBS

12. Inhibitor Design

13. Efficient Methods of Exact Solutions of Complex Problems in

14. Synaptic Plasticity: Regulatory Mechanisms in Receptor

15. Computational analysis of RNA structure

16. Analysis of adult stem cells by computer vision

Please visit our website for more detailed descriptions of the

PhD scholarships amount to 1250 Euros per month. The application
deadline is January 15, 2009. Students with a master's degree (or
its equivalent) in computer science, mathematics or engineering are
invited to apply for admission. In certain cases, students must
submit, as part of their application, the results of one of the
acknowledged language tests to prove their English proficiency.

For further information, please visit our website at
www.gradschool. uni-luebeck. de.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via

management@gradscho ol.uni-luebeck. de before sending your application.

Best wishes from Luebeck,
Prof.Dr.-Ing.Achim Schweikard

University of Luebeck
Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23538 Luebeck

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