Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Vacancies for Research Positions

Applications are invited for 13 studentships on creative design, 4
of which at Lancaster University, UK. Each position is funded for 36
months. The network requires expertise from various disciplines and
the specific requirements as well as details about each individual
projects can be found under Projects. To discuss project
opportunities, please contact either the lead supervisor, for
information on a specific project, or the Coordinator for general

These 3 year positions are funded through the European Commission
Framework 7 and are offered with excellent financial conditions
including competitive salary, mobility and travel allowance,
contribution to the participation expenses in research and training
activities, as well as career exploratory allowance.

An attractive training programme will be offered to the successful
candidates consisting in expert research supervision by world
leading researchers, access to training courses on foundation and
advanced topics in creative design, access to complementary training
and industrial secondments within network's over 10 industrial
partners, as well as participation to networks' summers schools and

Requirements: Aligned with the specific requirements of each
project, the applicants should have a good degree in Computer
Science, Psychology, Design or Arts. They should also have the
ability to work independently and as part of a group, possess good
communication skills, and be able to write high quality technical
reports. The working language in this project is English. We
encourage applications from all interested students, regardless of
gender, race, disability, etc. The network aims to appoint women to
at least 40% of the positions.

Eligibility: According to Marie Curie Actions, researchers to be
appointed by DESIRE are those in the first four years (full-time
equivalent) of their research careers, starting at the date of
obtaining the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on
a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained
or in the country in which the research training is provided.
Positions are open to candidates of any nationality with the
exception that the student may not have resided in the country of
the host institution for more than one year in the 3 years before
appointment. For additional information on eligibility, please check
Rules of mobility and conditions of nationality applicable to
eligible researchers, page 13-14.

Applications: The closing date for formal applications is 1st of
December 2008. Formal applications should be emailed directly to the
project supervisor as outline on the Projects and should include:

Full CV Please use the Europass CV template
Names of three referees
A statement of your academic interests, including the DESIRE
projects in which you are interested (up to 3 in rank order) and the
reasons for your preference. Please do not exceed 2 sides of A4.
Publication list
We expect successful candidates to join the network in January 2009.
Candidates interested in the first four positions, PhD1-PhD4 offered
at Lancaster University, are invited to consult the Personnel
Website for further details regarding the appplication process.

Individual PhD Projects

Project 1: Investigate the role of individual differences in visual
and spatial thinking in creative problem solving and creativity
Host institution: Lancaster University, UK; Lead supervisor:
Corina Sas: AT

Project 2: Develop and evaluate innovative methods for creative
problem solving using artistic representations.
Host institution: Lancaster University, UK; Lead supervisor:
Corina Sas: AT

Project 3: Produce a theoretical understanding of the cognitive
processes that underpin creative leaps during expert poetry
Host institution: Lancaster University, UK; Lead supervisor:
Linden Ball: l.ball AT

Project 4: Understand the impact of explicit design space
representations on innovative design.
Host institution: Lancaster University, UK; Lead supervisor: Alan
Dix: alan AT

Candidates interested in the first four positions, PhD1-PhD4 offered
at Lancaster University, are invited to consult the Personnel
Website for further details regarding the appplication process.

Project 5: Develop an interactive system to support communicating
implicit design representations.
Host institution: Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands; Supervisor: Jean Bernard Martens: j.b.o.s.martens AT

Project 6: Investigate creative problem solving process: cross-
disciplinary method diffusion.
Host institution: Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands; Supervisor: Panos Markopoulos: p.markopoulos AT

Project 7: Investigate the emergence of insight during `live'
industrial design meetings through the deployment of ethnographic
Host institution: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Lead
supervisor: Bo T. Christensen: bc.marktg AT

Project 8: Examine the use of visual aids during problem solving in
industrial design contexts as a way to support the mental simulation
of end users and markets.
Host institution: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Lead
supervisor: Bo T. Christensen: bc.marktg AT

Project 9: Implement interactive design patterns and tools for
supporting creative design process, through visual languages.
Host institution: University of Milan, Italy; Lead supervisor:
Piero Mussio: mussio AT

Project 10: Investigate End-User-Developmen t and meta-design
approaches for creative problem solving in cultural information and
communication environments.
Host institution: University of Milan, Italy; Lead supervisor:
Piero Mussio: mussio AT

Project 11: Explore creative processes in collaborative music
composition and develop tools for supporting them.
Host institution: The Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal;
Lead supervisor: Álvaro Mendes Barbosa abarbosa AT

Project 12: Explore methods of knowledge transfer in large-scale
complex problem solving for regional development.
Host institution: University of Aveiro, Portugal; Lead supervisor:
Joao Mota: joaomota AT

Project 13: Develop design methodology for supporting the creative
process of translating users' insights into value propositions.
Host institution: Philips Research, The Netherlands; Lead
supervisor: Boris de Ruyter: AT

Further info:

Deadline: 1 December 2008

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